

  Cecil Gaines (' tale of time ') 10:08 AM (8/8/24): “But those who 'hope in the LORD,' will renew their strength. They will soar on wings, like eagles; they will run... and not grow weary… ...they will walk, and not... be faint…” - Isaiah 40:31 (this bible verse, was relevant... ...'before' the time, of Jesus Christ) 10:18 AM (8/8/24): Prince of Egypt Edit - Memory Reboot - Full Version (   God the Father, passed the 'Ten Commandments' unto Moses... ...and was watching Earth, after the time of Moses... ...until he felt it necessary, to 'beam' Jesus... ...into the world... ...Jesus was born, of the Virgin Mary Magdalene (via the 'Immaculate Conception')... ...and had a guardian father (Saint Joseph)... ...and ultimately, Jesus Christ was sent into the world... ...for the redemption, of humanity's sins... (Jesus had been Crucified, Resurrected and Ascended) From 3:36-3:43, in the 'above' video... ...Rameses is like